A Day in the Life of Jeremy Green

Jeremy Green, Work Health Solutions owner and director of marketing, shares what keeps him busy from sun up to sun down. From his two kiddos and wife to his job and business interests, Jeremy has plenty of reasons to explain his hectic and busy schedule.

5ish – Rollout of bed, breakfast (toast and coffee)

6:09 exactly everyday – Harper, 6-month-old puppy wakes up and barks

6:15 – head up to my home office to check and respond to emails

7:05 – talk to Kyle (My Work Wife) on his way to the office

7:30 – boys wake up.  Gavin rolls out of bed whining and Harrison yells from his crib, “Da” as loud as he can

8 a.m.-5 p.m. My life includes answering 20-30 phone calls, responding or creating 100ish emails and doing at least one lunch with a new client.  We eat a lot of burritos next door. My job is marketing, I am good at my job only because I have the best team on the planet and work with some of the best people. I can focus a lot on new business opportunities because I set the expectation with a new client that my job is to get someone to say yes, and it is the office’s job to make WHS irreplaceable.

I am an owner in four different businesses and could answer the phone accordingly throughout any part of the day or night. I have some clients in Australia and New Zealand and when they are working, I should be sleeping.

5-9 p.m. – I check out from work and be a dad and husband before the munchkins turn in to pumpkins (usually happens around 7:30 p.m.!).

9 p.m.-sleep I finish up the remaining work from the day and prepare for the next day (whatever that looks like). Bedtime varies greatly, depends on work or what good show is on that night.  Now that Homeland is over,I am still waiting for that next great show that BOTH Deann and I can get into. Any suggestions would be awesome.

Somewhere in a 24-hour period: I make time to work out, bathe, eat and sleep.  I love what we do, not to say it doesn’t come without challenges, but as we continue to grow we want to keep striving for perfection in this imperfect world.

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